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Most Common Questions Asked by Potential Dealers

1. How can I be a Brazzen Dealer?

The great thing about being a Brazzen Dealer is there is no dealer fee. Your commitment is to buy equipment. If you want to be a Brazzen Dealer you would need to buy a 40-foot container of mixed inventory of your choice. This would be about $30-$40,000 for a container of Brazzen inventory. You would then be given an exclusive area and an agreement that goes for 5 years. 


2. How long does it take to get a container of Inventory?

Normally about 10 weeks.


3. If I run out of some inventory what will happen?

This will happen, in fact the first year is all about getting enough Inventory on the ground. Overtime, it would be good to have about 5 containers on the ground then you can top it up as needed. It is not uncommon in your 3rd and 4th year you will be receiving 1-2 containers a month, if working as a dealer full time. A lot of dealer s also swap goods amongst each other.    


4. How do I choose a Brazzen Name?  

We like you to use a Brazzen Name that is related to the area you operate in. It can be named after a town or an area that might describe your area. Example: Brazzen Spanish Fork or Brazzen Cache Valley. Once you choose your name, we will then give you a name approval letter to state you can use that name. The name must have Brazzen listed first.


5. What do I need to do to secure an Area?

We suggest once you have done all your homework and it is something you would like to do, you can pay an Exclusive Area Fee of $3000 to hold the area,  if you choose to be a Dealer. The $3000 you pay will be Non-Refundable. Once the Exclusive Area Fee is paid the area will be placed on hold and would no longer be available to anyone else. The area will be on hold for 2 months. During this time, you would then need to finalize your first order and an agreement will be sent and signed and your order will be processed. A 30% deposit of the value of the order will need to be paid, for the inventory ordered, and the balance will need to be paid when receiving the equipment.  


6. How do the Exclusive Areas work?

What if I get someone out of my area wanting to buy from me? You can sell outside of your area, as long as it is a referral, a friend, or a family member. It can even come from your advertising as long as you have stated in your advertisement your Brazzen Name and the area you service. This description should be in all your advertising.  You cannot advertise in any media that does not cover some or all of your area. Eg: a local paper that does not cover your Dealer Area, Leaflet drops out of your area, attending Fairs, Shows or Field Days.   Most Dealers areas do not join each other. There is a buffer area between the dealer‘s areas in most cases. This is what we call “No Man’s Land” Any dealer can sell into this area, you can advertise in these areas and attend Fairs, Shows and Field Days. You can’t have a location in this area unless it has been approved from Brazzen USA. It’s important we are all honest. Rules are there to help all of us. We also have the right to check if all your advertising adheres to the rules and we may from time to time ask your clients where they obtained your details. These advertising rules are designed to benefit the dealer who advertises the most. If you are proactive and advertise on social media, on the internet and other avenues you should be the one to benefit the most. It is not right if you do all the advertising, but the dealer in the area near you does very little advertising, but you would have to give him all the enquiries that are not in your area to him. (this is not fair)   You can refer clients to other distributors at your own discretion. Perhaps the client is too far away for you to service so it is good you pass it to the Distributor closest to the client. It is always good Brazzen gets the sale.  


7. What happens if I get something damaged or does not work in my shipment?

This will happen at some stage and we will either replace it in the next order or pay the repairs once we have both agreed on a fair price. We will not compensate travel costs if it was sold to the client and malfunctions. We all have business costs when mistakes happen. We just need to both try to minimize them.  


8. How does warranty work, how long is it?

Who pays for and performs warranty work? And how does replacement pieces work if required?   If there is a problem, and there will be at some stage, we will replace it in the next container or we will credit you or we will pay you to fix it. Each part is talked about fairly. If the product is at the clients place we do not cover the transport there etc to replace it. Some occasions we will also travel out to see your client and help him with the problem. The warranty goes for a year but you can warranty it for more if you like. There is not a lot that can go wrong with most of the products. ​


9. Do I need to have a separate phone number with this business?

Yes, it is best to have a separate phone linked to the business as one day you will sell the business and the goodwill is linked to the phone that you have been advertising for years. ​


10. Can I sell my Dealership? 

Yes, you can sell it. More is explained in the Agreement. ​


11. Can I terminate my dealership?

Yes, you can terminate at any time. We just need notice according to the Agreement. ​


12. How do you know if I am suitable to be a Brazzen Dealer?

Do you do a background check or character references? No, we do not do any checks. It is hard for us to know who is good and who is not at this business. We have had people join we thought would be no good as they have had no experience in Live Stock Equipment at all, but they have become better than the person who said how good they will be and how experienced they are. One of our most successful dealers is a woman who had never dealt with this equipment at all.


13. I noticed the Areas do not always join each other and there are areas in between the next Exclusive area? What happens in this Area?

This area we call No Man's Land. It is good to have a buffer between areas. This area can be worked by any dealer. There are more details in point 6. ​


14. Is it good to do Fairs and Field days in my area? How do we advertise?

For sure Fairs/Field Days are great to do and should be done every year. This is a great way to get awareness. We will be happy to help and attend your first one. As for advertising you need to use your local papers, any free website listings and Facebook are good ways to get work. You will find word of mouth will come from giving good service and reasonable prices. We also have staff to help you design your business cards and adverts and any promotional materials. We also have promotional material available to buy like caps, pens, teardrop flags, banners, Cooler boxes etc.   ​


15. Do we get added to the Dealer area on the Brazzen website?

I think our website is very good but still will be improved all the time. You will be added to our website and we will also have an area for you to have a website within our website. Go to our website and Find a Dealer Tab and then go to a dealer. You will see there is a button that will go to the website. This website can be populated by you. Just give us the info you want on it and the pictures and we will update it for you. There will be a website address you can use and advertise it if you like. It will go straight to your website. ​


16. Do we operate from a Property or Store?

Our model is to operate from your property. If you could set aside an acre and put crushed rock down. All the gear can be stored outside but it would be good to have a small shed to keep all the small stuff in. You will need a forklift, to load clients when they pick up, and a trailer to do deliveries. It is good to keep your overheads as low as you can but some of our dealers also operate from stores. Just need to keep in mind the commitment to be in stores, when operating from your ranch you can just meet when you make appointments with clients it’s very convenient, but stores can also increase your sales. We don't mind either way how you operate your business. As long as you have a location in your area. ​


17. Can we sell to Farm stores?

Yes, you can as long as it is in your area. You will need to make sure they are not going to sell at low prices. Your margins will be a lot less but they do order in volume and regularly. We have 3 pricing structures.


1. Dealer Prices which is the landed prices. (cost of the goods with all the shipping, taxes, port fees and truck fees)


2. Wholesale Prices which can be set by the dealer but to sell to stores I would think the wholesale prices will be about 10-15% added to the Dealer Prices. A lot of our Dealers also put their products on consignment with the stores and then they split the profit made between the wholesale price and the retail price. This means the dealer would take 2 bites of the cherry. They would make the margin from the Dealer prices to the wholesale price and also make half of the money from the wholesale price and the retail price, sharing the other half with the store.


3. Retail Prices, which is the prices we sell direct to the Rancher.   â€‹


18. Can I sell other products besides Brazzen Equipment?

If Brazzen does not already supply it then you can sell other products but they can't be similar livestock equipment. It can be barbed wire, feed or other items we don't supply. If Brazzen starts to supply such products then you as a dealer would then need to buy from Brazzen.  If you sell products Brazzen does not make you can sell it but it can’t be sold under the Brazzen banner or placed in adverts that make it look like a Brazzen product. ​


19. Can I have more than one Dealer Area?

Yes, you can get another area but would need to sign another Agreement related to that area. You will need to have a location in the area. You will need to have another Brazzen Name. ​


20. How is my area worked out? Is there a formula?

No, we don't have a formula. Most clients won’t travel more than an hour to buy their Livestock Equipment so we take this into consideration and also population. Unpopulated areas are a lot of larger areas.  You also do not want hours to drive to deliver goods.


21. Can I choose the  products I get in the container or in my first order?

Yes of course you can add in what you like, you know your area better than us. You know if you have more horses, cattle or sheep in your area. We will give you a general list of what we do for most of our Dealers when they start, but feel free to let us know what you want and what you don’t want.


22. Do I need to worry about the local competition?

I never worry about the competition. Our product is so much better than what I have seen locally. I am sure you saw the oval rails and the galvanizing our equipment has. Brazzen does not sell to any one like others do.  So you never hear the words “thanks for the prices but I will just check down the road to see what prices they have.”  You can’t buy Brazzen products down the road. We do not make competition among our Dealers. Some companies sell their equipment to many stores in the same town or city. The only people who win on this, is the company that sells to the stores, leaving the stores to fight over the margins given to clients.  Having an exclusive area gives you the peace of mind that others will not be under cutting you or the person enquiring can’t buy at the other place down the road.  


23. Are the shipping, taxes and port fees included in the price of the container?

Yes, we pay for all the shipping, taxes and all port fees to your door, so you don’t need to worry about extra costs.  


24. Can I buy the container that my products are shipped in?

We do sell the shipping containers,  the prices vary at the time but we can get pictures of the containers for you to choose. They are normally used containers but also they can be a little more expensive than what you can buy locally because they need to be plated sea worthy for commercial goods. (Like car registration) We will credit you an amount of money to return the container back to the port or back to the train port. So that saves us one leg if you keep the container at your end.  It saves us having to send it back to the port or to the train station.  So we will credit you on that amount. We can let you know the cost of the containers if you want to buy one.


The problem we may have is to get the container off the truck. If you want to buy the container you need to think how to get the container of the truck. Sometimes it can be done using a truck called a swing truck that drops the container on the ground but these are not available in every state. The other way is to get a crane to take it off the truck. This can be quite costly unless the crane is not far away from your premises. If you decide to buy and keep the container we will give a credit to you as we will not have to return the container back to the port or train station. 


25. Can I pick up the container from the port?

Yes you can pick up the container from the port or organize to pick it up from the train port if you own a truck yourself.  If you can get a better deal, then we will credit you the amount it would cost us to pick it up, take it to you and return it.


26. Who pays and schedules shipping from dock to me?  

We look after it all but we keep you in the loop from production to shipping to your place.


27. Do containers need to be unloaded at delivery, to be hauled back or pickup at next shipment?

We pay for the container to go back. You can also buy the container if you like and keep it and we will credit you the cost to have sent it back. You do have 1-2 hours (depending on the company) to empty it after that they charge about $80 an hour so it is good if it is emptied in the time frame we give you. You will need to make a loading doc.


28. Do we make our own advertising materials?

We will supply you with the advertising artwork, but you have to find a local company to setup printing and payment.  In the first container, you will receive free stuff like caps, brochures, canopy for fairs and banner flags etc.  


29. Is there a buy back on products not sold?

No, but you can use it yourself or sell it discounted to minimize losses. Other dealers would also buy at the right price.


30. Can I have a lawyer go through the agreement and change things before I sign it?

You are more than welcome to hire a lawyer to go through the agreement, but let them know it can’t be changed.  We have one agreement that is the same for every dealer and it can’t be changed by each individual.  We can clarify any points you think aren’t clear, but can’t change what it says.  Also, our dealers can’t buy products that compete with Brazzen products. That’s why we we give exclusive areas and don’t sell to everyone . We have a clause in the agreement so we can check all invoices etc. Checking invoices will show us what items you sell.


31. Is there a distribution center in the USA to get my products or can you guys send us containers on consignment and supply dealers?

We get people that ask this every month. This is not our model, but what we have found is some of our dealers will do this themselves as they get bigger. Some dealers like Brazzen Spanish Fork have a lot of inventory then they sell to some of the other dealers at a wholesale price like 10% more for panels and 15% on all the other items. From what I know Brazzen Spanish Fork has supplied about 8 dealers from California to Montana and Idaho. The same happens in Australia. Some of our dealers are more entrepreneurial and see this opportunity.


32. Can I sell the Brazzen products for discounts?  

It is ok to have sales from time to time but not all the time. A better way is to sell packages like the corral or the Cattle yard Example: Corral Package: 20 panels and one gate $2195.00. Also you can price what you like over the phone or when clients come out to see you and make deals how you like.  


33. What are the timing and payments like for my first container?  

You can put down a $3000 Exclusive Area Fee to hold the area. You then can work out what you like to go in your first container which normally takes about 2 weeks to figure out what you want. Once we place your order before the 13th of the month it should be shipped by the end of the following month. When you place the order you need to pay 30% deposit. Once the Container is loaded we will let you know and it will take about 3 weeks to get to you and we will pay for all the shipping taxes and trucking to you. You will then be required to unload the container and the container will be returned to port. You will be required to pay the balance 7 days after getting the container.  


For your repeated orders: When you place the order you need to pay 30% deposit. Once you place your order before the 13th of the month it should be shipped by the end of the following month. Once the Container is loaded we will let you know and it will take about 3 weeks to get to you and we will pay for all the shipping taxes and trucking to you. You will then be required to unload the container and the container will be returned to port. You will be required to pay the balance 7 days after getting the container. Most of our dealers once they are busy, order a rolling container. When they are receiving a container they are placing an order for next one. Some of our dealers order 20-30 a year. At this stage they are pretty much doing it full time.  


34. Does Brazzen have quality control in place at the manufacturing facilities and who is in charge of this?

We have designated QC staff at the factories who test equipment, sending pics and videos every day.  The videos show every welding bay and also random welding check pictures.


35. Are all Brazzen Products designed, developed and tested in Australia?



36. Is Brazzen open to new product designs and getting them developed for the North American market?

Yes we do develop new products, but it takes time as we do have a long list.


37. Where are Brazzen Products manufactured?

We have a factory in China and India where all of the products are manufactured.  We are also looking to get the chutes manufactured in the USA but it will take some time to setup.  We are in talks with a company in Utah. Our India factory only makes about 7 containers a month and China makes about 25 a month. We plan to swap most of the production over to India.  


38. When containers arrive, how much warning does the dealer typically get before they are delivered?

We follow up your orders until it's delivered to your door. We will try to keep you updated on a weekly basis if the delivery date to ramp/port has been changed and will keep you updated on a daily basis as soon as it approaches the ramp/port. We will make sure you will be advised when the container will be delivered 2-3 days ahead.


39. When advertising on social media platforms such as KSL and others that cover large areas, even multiple states, and you have requests from the ads can you sell to them even outside your area?

Yes, correct as long as you advertise your Brazzen name as it relates to your area. You then have a choice if you want to deal with each other over the distance. (if it is a long distance)

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